Customer Testimonials

What the people said on the service?

Hello sir…yes im happy & satisfied with the outcome sa inyong photography services…i/we feel comfortable with you & your crew…also i/we really saw your effort on taking pictures starting with the pre debut until the said event…over-all i am truly thankful with your service sir..keep it up!

Jeniffer Ocampo


Thank you cebu image for making our photos and video wonderful. From prenup to our wedding everything so flawless.. we really love it..


Hi Jobette excellent kaayo ang service exceeded all our expectations. Ang music sa video excellent ang selection ng songs. Nice kaayo ang album Sorry pala late na complete ang payment hindi klaro ang sabot namin in Imie. Thank you so much. May tanong lang ako. Naa ba video ang Banda at sa nagpiano?
Sorry mam na notice ko rin lately walang video n photo sa banda




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