Google Shopping Support Number

CSS name
Google Shopping (
+44 800 169 0409


To contact Google Ads (formerly known as Google AdWords) support, you can follow these steps:

Visit the Google Ads Help Center: Go to the Google Ads Help Center website at

Choose the “Contact us” option: Scroll down the page and click on the “Contact us” button located at the bottom right corner of the page.

Select your issue: You’ll be presented with a list of common issues and topics. Choose the category that best matches your query or issue. If you can’t find an exact match, select the most relevant option.

Choose a support option: After selecting the issue, you’ll see different support options available. These may include live chat, phone support, or email support. Select the option that suits your preference and availability.

Provide necessary details: Depending on the contact method you chose, you may be asked to provide additional information about your account or issue. Be prepared to provide relevant details to help the support team assist you effectively.

Note that the availability of support options may vary depending on your location and the type of Google Ads account you have. In some cases, you may need to meet certain criteria, such as having a certain ad spend level, to access specific support channels like phone support.

It’s also worth mentioning that Google Ads has a robust self-help system with extensive documentation, guides, and troubleshooting resources available in the Google Ads Help Center. You can explore these resources to find answers to common questions or issues before contacting support.