Training and managing a dog is every dog owner’s top concern. Managing them comes down to one very simple skill which begins by being a good time manager. You’ll have to manage your dog’s time so that you can give them as few opportunities as possible to make house training mistakes.
Listed below are concise yet useful tips for managing dogs:
Rewards and Motivation
Teaching and training your dog is easier when it gets to understand a reward
system for every deed it does. Developing rewards motivate them to learn. It is also considered as the most important part of training.
Providing supervision with the leash
Leash supervision basically means keeping your dog on a leash at all times in order to supervise them. You can hold the leash in your hand, step on it with your foot, or tie it to something stable near you while you’re doing something. Do this until you are confident enough to release them. Having the leash can help train behavior, specifically in avoiding making a mess in the house by running around.
Cage training

This is one of the basic ways to discipline your dog. Having them caged can prevent them from making house training mistakes; chewing inappropriate items, running around the house or anything that you would not want them to do at home while you are away for a short period of time.
Joining training classes
If you want to enhance the basic training you have imposed on your dog, join
training classes! It is usually more effective if you train the dog when it is still a puppy. Training classes will help you achieve specific training goals and make it possible to manage a rowdy young dog.
Food and water scheduling
Having a scheduled diet for your dog makes you accurately predict when they need to eliminate a bowel.

Bonding with your dog
Dogs routinely form new bonds with humans at all stages of their life. Keep in mind that dogs are very adaptive. What you need to worry is their ability to develop bonding. Always give time to develop a sense of belonging to your beloved pet.
A dog who gets to exercise are more calm at home and less fretful when left alone. Have this dog-management mantra noted: ‘A good dog is a tired dog’. Exercise can improve bone and joint fitness. Through exercise the dog will be a lot healthier from catching disease and sickness.
Good Grooming
Good grooming greatly affects the character of the dog. Have a good relationship with your dog through proper care. You do not want to bond with a dirty dog, we all know it is not healthy.
Long Term Confinement
This confinement is quite different from the cage. A long term confinement area will need all the necessities of your dog. It should have an access to a potty, or pea pods, or a doggie litter box. Once you get to set-up this area, you can already start disposing the cage. The long term confinement place is recommended for growing dogs.