John and Richell Wedding Ceremony at Sacred Heart and Beverly Hills
October 24 Sacred Heart Church Beverly Hills Events Pavillon Richell is a public school teacher in Cebu City John is a marine engineer overseas Same day edit video of their wedding Wedding Vow for Her… I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day…
Presentation for Revised School-Based Management
Revised School-Based Management from Mylene Garcia
Guyabano Tea Best Medicinal Benefits
These are the known health benefits of Guyabano leaves, fruits, bark and roots protect against cancer and reduce side-effects of chemotherapy. Prevents urinary tract infections Digestive Problems Alleviates pain stemming from arthritis, joint and back problems, leg cramps and rheumatism. Treat muscle spasms boost of the body’s energy level reducing the body’s bad cholesterol level…