NBTC 2019 Basketball Videos

This second season NBTC tournament is more successful than ever as there are the team coming from Australia, Canada, Italy, Guam that participated aside from local teams. This is the first time Jeron Artest will be playing in the Philippines. This 6’3″ point guard have shown shooting skills plus ball handling. He set up the…

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Feb 2019 FIBA Asia Videos

Philippines vs Qatar Highlights Philippines managed to have more than 30pts advantage on the 4th quarter. Thank you on tough defense made by Andre Blach resulting to less points from Qatar centers. Japan vs Iran https://www.facebook.com/318511059009430/videos/293375334678005/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARBQUwO9L1btVM-N9IjYoGqDZW5XJqmKp_7jWPIp391hNOL-lVKU52e8vzhgwYwEf482eo2FreFuonzg&hc_ref=ARQDpdDqm-5_QEeznQITDV1HmtODQkqDJsnh1x-BNFuIyWXiw3_-A5BHLJIBXY_7UZU&fref=tag China vs Jordan https://www.facebook.com/318511059009430/videos/1010176622507675/?__tn__=%2CdkC-R&eid=ARDS-cbqUieo3QxshGBnqs6T3Y1QUZV3xwo5-23SPl7TtkQPaRsK0dNOaMrRpWGj5yB69ZlzDA5AG1Ch&hc_ref=ARR7tySm8wVtDyvluXFX0cmE3AqkSMy3JVoKUC1Eqta9BH02PN2T03YLNzlwIYvqqvQ&fref=tag First game Phils vs Kazaks – Philippines lose due to bad coaching

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